Studio Spotlight: Studio by Cosmel

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Studio Spotlight: Studio by Cosmel

A Pilates oasis located in Zagreb, Croatia. This studio offers classes designed to increase your strength, reduce stress and create connection between mind and body. We invite you to join a conversation with Pilates/Fitness instructor and founder, Mira Zrinušić, of Studio by Cosmel to uncover the story behind her journey. 

How did you find yoga and what was your path from student to teacher and finally into a studio owner (or community leader)?

Imala sam 4 godine kada sam krenula na balet, te mogu reći da mi je balet na neki način odredio životni put. Iako nisam profesionalno nastavila plesati nakon završene baletne škole, upisala sam Kineziološki fakultet i usmjerila energiju najviše prema Pilates tehnici. Tijekom studiranja krenula sam u dva smjera; uključila sam se u mali obiteljski brand prirodne kozmetike i počela voditi pilates u studijima i fitness centrima. Onda je došao Covid19, izgubila sam posao u struci te sam pokrenula online treninge povezane sa brandom prirodne kozmetike što me je napokon “natjeralo” da slijedim svoje snove i otvorim vlastiti studio. Tako je nastao Studio By Cosmel.

[translation] I was 4 years old when I started ballet, and I can say that ballet determined my life path in a way. Although I did not continue to dance professionally after graduating from ballet school, I entered the Faculty of Kinesiology and focused my energy mostly on the Pilates technique. During my studies, I went in two directions; I got involved in a small family brand of natural cosmetics and started leading pilates in studios and fitness centers. Then came Covid19, I lost my job and started online trainings related to a brand of natural cosmetics, which finally "forced" me to follow my dreams and open my own studio. That's how Studio By Cosmel was born.

What kind of yoga do you practice personally?

Osobno prakticiram stil joge kako bi nadopunila svoje treninge. Pilates i joga se sjajno nadopunjuju, a osobno mi je najvažniji dio povezanost uma i tijela, taj naglasak na disanje. Volim i uživam u Vinyasa flow stilu koji mi odgovara na svim razinama, te poboljšava moju fleksibilnost i ravnotežu. Smatram da spajanje stilova i zapravo kreiranje vlastitog stila, vrlo bitno kako bi rad bio dosljedan i kvalitetan. Zagovaram holistički pristup fizičke spremnosti i onaj sjajan osjećaj unutarnje smirenosti i “feel good”.

[translation] I personally practice a style of yoga to complement my workouts. Pilates and yoga complement each other wonderfully, and personally, the most important part for me is the connection between mind and body, that emphasis on breathing. I love and enjoy the Vinyasa flow style which suits me on all levels and improves my flexibility and balance. I think that combining styles and actually creating your own style is very important in order for the work to be consistent and of high quality. I advocate a holistic approach to physical fitness and that great feeling of inner calm and "feel good".

Do you have any tips for balancing your personal practice and teaching?

Svaki moj trening je dio mene. Moj stil, moj užitak. Kada potencijalna klijentica dođe na probni trening uvijek joj volim ukazati na važnost da “kliknemo”. Ja demonstriram svoj stil, svoj način rada i bez puno kompliciranja, klijentici će odgovarati ili neće. Imam sreće da zaista svi lijepo reagiraju na način mog rada i tada taj balans između treninga koje volim raditi i ono što nudim klijenticama je isprepleteno i u odličnom balansu. Takav način rada omogućuje mi da svaki trening bude autentičan. Također, smatram da za vlastitu motivaciju, a i motivaciju klijentica je vrlo bitna edukacija. Iskreno, ne volim pratiti trendove, vrlo ih selektivno prihvaćam. No svako vraćanje osnovama i građenja cijelokupne priče (body, mind & soul) pridonose mom osobnom rastu i sposobnosti da ponudim nove perspektive klijenticama.

Još jedna vrlo bitna stvar za kreiranje balansa su odmor i oporavak. Isto tako, postavljanje granica. Na primjer, koliko god bi mi financijski pomoglo da imam još par termina i da radim vikendom, rekla sam sama sebi otpočetka- NE. Vikendom ne radim. Ne zato što fizički ne bi mogla odraditi još par treninga, već što smatram da bi vrlo brzo doživjela “burnout”. Tako da je moj savjet prije svega znati svoje granice, postaviti ih i prihvatiti ih. Trud, rad, disciplina, uspjeh.. DA! ali ne pod svaku cijenu.

[translation] Every training session is a part of me. My style, my pleasure. When a potential client comes to trial training, I always like to point out to her the importance of "clicking". I demonstrate my style, my way of working and without much complication, the client will respond or not. I'm lucky that everyone really reacts well to my way of working, and then that balance between the training I like to do and what I offer my clients is intertwined and in an excellent balance. This way of working allows me to make every training session authentic. Also, I think that education is very important for my own motivation, as well as the motivation of the client. Honestly, I don't like to follow trends, I accept them very selectively. But every return to the basics and building the overall story (body, mind & soul) contribute to my personal growth and ability to offer new perspectives to clients.

Another very important thing for creating balance is rest and recovery. Likewise, setting boundaries. For example, as much as it would help me financially if I had a few more appointments and worked on weekends, I told myself from the beginning - NO. I don't work on weekends. Not because I couldn't physically do a few more trainings, but because I would very quickly experience "burnout". So my advice is  to know your limits, set them and accept them. Effort, work, discipline, success... YES! but not at any cost.

What’s your approach/philosophy to teaching yoga?

Jedno od temeljnih načela mojeg načina rada je podučavanje i osvještavanje kontrole tijela i preciznosti. Potičem klijentice da se usredotoče na kvalitetu pokreta. Također, stavljam naglasak na svjesnost disanja. Vjerujem da su mi ova načela najvažnija jer je to zapravo način na koji sam se ja upoznala sa pokretom uz balet. Svjesnost, koordinacija, sirova snaga ali i elegantnost pokreta me jednostavno očaravaju i smatram da nema ljepše stvari nego kada se na taj način povežeš sa sobom i svojim tijelom.

[translation] One of the fundamental principles of my way of working is teaching and awareness of body control and precision. I encourage clients to focus on the quality of movement. Also, I emphasize breathing awareness. I believe that these principles are the most important to me, because this is actually the way in which I became acquainted with movement through ballet. Awareness, coordination, raw strength, but also the elegance of the movements simply fascinate me and I think there is nothing more beautiful than when you connect with yourself and your body in this way.

What are your must-have pieces from Manduka personally and for the studio

Taj trenutak kada sam odlučila otvoriti studio odmah sam znala da želim Manduka prostirke. Ni na sekundu nisam razmišljala o drugim opcijama. Konkretno sam se odlučila za Manduka Prolite Mat 4.7mm i pokazali su se izvrsnim. Klijentice primjećuju kvalitetu, a ja ih osobno volim što su izdržljivi i ne skližu se.

[translation] That moment when I decided to open a studio, I immediately knew that I wanted Manduka mats. I didn't even think about other options for a second. Specifically, I decided on Manduka Prolite Mat 4.7mm and they turned out to be excellent. Clients notice the quality, and I personally like them because they are durable and don't slip.

Tell us about your studio and the energy it brings to the local yoga community. When people enter your studio, what do you want them to feel?

Od prvog trenutka znala sam da mi je najvažnije – good vibes, ONLY good vibes. Jer time se vodim i kako se klijent mora osjećati tijekom, a pogotovo poslije treninga. Tako sam sretna što se nakon samo mjesec, dva stvorila sjajna ekipa, sjajna zajednica divnih žena i djevojaka. A komentari poput – “uljepšala si nam kvart, popravila si mi dan, ovo mi je trebalo u životu, tako te lijepo vidjeti uvijek nasmijanu, na tvom treningu nikad nije dosadno, nemoj nikada otići…” dokazuju energiju koja se stvorila oko studija. Smijemo se, veselimo se, trudimo se, vježbamo i uživamo :)

[translation] From the first moment I knew that the most important thing for me was good vibes, ONLY good vibes. Because I am guided by this and how the client must feel during, and especially after, training. I am so happy that after only a month or two, a great team was created, a great community of wonderful women and girls. And comments like - "you beautified our neighborhood, you made my day, I needed this in my life, it's so nice to see you always smiling, your training is never boring, don't ever leave..." prove the energy that was created around the studio. We laugh, rejoice, work hard, practice and enjoy :)

You have a stunning studio, what did you have in mind and how has the designing of the place been?

Kada sam prvi put ugledala ovaj prostor odmah su me osvojili visoki stropovi i sjajno osjvjetljenje. Prostor u izlogu je odmah dao ideju za urabanu džunglu, a žive biljke još više ožive prostor i daju poseban ugođaj. Volim “beauty in simplicity”. Crno-bijela dvorana, točnije bijeli čisti zidovi, ogledalo + tamni/crni rekviziti. Prostor za odmor i shop je nešto šareniji zbog brandova koje promoviram. No zapravo je sve jednostavno i pročišćeno.

[translation] When I first saw this space, I was immediately captivated by the high ceilings and great lighting. The space in the window immediately gave the idea for a urban jungle, and living plants enliven the space even more and give it a special atmosphere. I love "beauty in simplicity". Black and white hall, more precisely white clean walls, mirror + dark/black props. The rest and shop area is a bit more colorful because of the brands I promote. But in fact, everything is simple and refined.

What is your goal or mission for your studio?

Kao što sam spomenula, taj dobar osjećaj nakon treninga. To je najbolja stvar! Želim da stvore naviku, a navika se jedino može stvoriti ako je stvar koju radiš atraktivna i veseli te. Naravno, često se teško “natjerati” na trening, no moj cilj je da svaki put izađu radosne iz studija uz onaj osjećaj da su napravile nešto dobro za sebe, za svoje tijelo.

[translation] As I mentioned, that good feeling after training. It's the best thing! I want them to create a habit, and a habit can only be created if the thing you are doing is attractive and makes you happy. Of course, it is often difficult to "force" yourself to train, but my goal is for them to leave the studio happy every time, with the feeling that they have done something good for themselves, for their body.

What does the future hold for your studio?

Studio ima još puno potencijala. Ideja je stvoriti brand koji će taj multifunkcionalni prostor ispuniti u svojim maksimalnim kapacitetima. Osim treninga koji su naravno najvažniji i okosnica svega, želja mi je da bude brand koji će nuditi široki spektar proizvoda i programa vezanih uz healthy lifestyle.

[translation] The studio still has a lot of potential. The idea is to create a brand that will fill this multifunctional space to its maximum capacity. Apart from the training, which is of course the most important and the backbone of everything, I want it to be a brand that will offer a wide range of products and programs related to a healthy lifestyle.



Check out Studio by Cosmel: Cosmel Studio and give them a follow here.

    Studio by Cosmel is geared up with PROlite Yoga Mats and Foam Yoga BlocksFor exclusive Manduka Studio Equipment Discounts, visit here.

    Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997.

    Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. #inspirethepractice