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Anne Spinner Yoga Pose

Join Anne in this All Levels Spring Equinox flow that inspires all to consider, where can you hit the "re-start button" and look at life from a new, lighter perspective.


As part of our Inspire the Practice campaign with Anne Spinner, Manduka has donated $1500 to Urban Roots.

"The reason I picked urban roots is because it is a nonprofit that works directly with the community to teach children and adults how to garden, but takes it to the next level of how to cook the whole food after and how nutrition is so important for our health. They make gardening fun for kids, and accessible to the community. Ironically, urban roots is located on Renown Hospital property, which is the hospital where I had my open-heart surgery at. I didn’t know this but it makes it a little extra special for me. That synchronicity is hard to ignore." - Anne


Urban Roots Logo

Urban Roots is a Reno-based nonprofit that strives to change the way communities eat and learn through garden-based education. Urban Roots is founded on the idea that the garden is a powerful tool for improving academic instruction, developing healthy habits, and sowing a respect for the environment. In order to realize our mission of growing healthy minds, bodies, and communities, we provide school and garden-based opportunities for teachers, students, families, and partnering organizations. Urban Roots has programs for everyone, every ability, and every garden-related interest. From building school gardens to nutrition workshops, we're working to connect our community to the food they eat. We offer a wide array of educational programming from day camps, to farm school, and gardening 101 workshops for adults!

Learn more about Urban Roots

Children holding chickens

Children gardening in a flowerbed

Children harvesting


Join us in a celebration of the teachers of the practice and the studios that hold us. A celebration of those who inspire. Over the next few months, get to know some of them, who they are, their story, their inspirations, and just why it is that we love them so much. #inspirethepractice

hear their stories

See how Anne inspires

Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997.

Sharing good vibes + the best mats, apparel and yoga gear since 1997. #inspirethepractice