World Meditation Day: Body Scan with Jaime Tan

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World Meditation Day: Body Scan with Jaime Tan

Today on May 21st, World Meditation Day, and every day, Manduka supports the pursuit of joy, calm, space, quiet, and rest in what can be a hectic and stressful world.  

    We invite you to a 10-minute relaxing body scan meditation guided by Jaime Tan, yoga and meditation teacher and creator behind the Enlightened Spoon as well as a successful business executive and longtime friend of Manduka.

    In the video below, she will guide you through what to expect, how to set up your space, and then lead you through a body scan. A full body scan is a wonderful way to relax both the body and mind. You can do this any time of day—Jaime likes doing one in the middle of the day when she needs a little mind break.⁠⁠

    This is your friendly reminder to:

    • take a deep, calming breath that fills your lungs completely, or
    • stretch a bit and find space in your body, or
    • close your eyes and imagine a place that relaxes you, or simply,
    • find a moment of peace and rest in whatever way you can.


    Follow the meditation with Jaime Tan in the video below:


    Learn more about Jaime

    Follow Jaime on Instagram or practice along on her YouTube channel. 

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